A movie theater usher’s video showing just how nasty theaters can get after a screening has left decent people thrown.

We all know it’s easy to leave stuff behind at a movie theater. You’re sitting in the dark for about two hours, sometimes things fall out of your pockets. Sometimes you drop some popcorn or a piece of candy. If things go really south, you might spill a drink. It’s easy to be clumsy in the dark.

But the smart thing to do after the credits roll is to do a sweep of your area, checking for things you might have lost and want to keep, as well as to pick up basic trash like candy boxes or popcorn buckets.

Apparently that simple courtesy is not as common as one might think. @simplyrachaelstudios shared a video that she called “Things I find while ushering part 30,” showing up some real treasures — a wallet, AirPods, loose cash — and some serious mess.

“So we had an early access screening of Sing 2 tonight, and I just walked into this theater and um, we are going to die,” she said, showing off an overflowing trash area that doubled as an omen of what was to come.

The TikToker didn’t do a ton of filming in the theater itself, but the floor she was able to capture was simply covered in popcorn, wrappers, and unidentifiable junk — enough that they “had to break out the big broom.”

“Okay, so you guys didn’t get to see very much of that ‘cause there was 194 tickets sold for that movie,” Rachael said. “So it took three of us 45 minutes and six 50 gallon trash bags to clean that theater. And it was not clean cleaned, it was like, we had to leave when the movie started.”


Clearly Rachael’s viewers are not the type to create that kind of chaos in a public space, because they did not like what they saw.

“I will never understand why people are like that with their popcorn and trash…” wrote @lmaorocky3.

“I tell my kids before every movie: it might be their job to clean up after us, but that doesn’t mean it’s our job to make a mess,” @mombarrassed5 explained.

“I understand a little spilt popcorn but SPITTING YOUR SUNFLOWER SEEDS ON THE FLOOR?!” asked @g0kart_m0zart. “Straight to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200$.”

“That’s like $20000 worth of popcorn,” another viewer joked.

Rachael has plenty of other videos showing off what working in a movie theater is like, but this one has racked up nearly seven million views — and is hopefully serving as a reminder to moviegoers to be a little more thoughtful about their messes.

The post Movie Theater Usher Reveals Gigantic Mess Left After Film appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

Movie Theater Usher Reveals Gigantic Mess Left After Film
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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