If you still have respect for celebrities in the year 2022, you haven't been having the same experience many of us have. Do we need to be reminded of actress Gal Gadot's "Imagine" video again? I rest my case. But if that's not enough, enjoy this post on Reddit started by user u/MatsGry, who asked, "What celebrity have you lost all respect for? Why?"
Some of the people on the list still managed to surprise me, despite my cynicism about the whole situation. So, you might lose some respect reading these, too, and that's probably a good thing! They don't deserve your fandom!
But proceed with caution. As Redditor Aurorafaer wrote in the comments, "Well thanks a lot Reddit for all the vague comments not explaining why these celebrities fell from grace. My Google search history now reads as a who’s who of celebrity pedophiles and rapists." Yup.
My brother is a d-tier actor in Australia. Has worked with Rebel Wilson a fair bit. Said she’s the most unpleasant person he’s ever encountered. Makes everyone treat her like an absolute diva and runs through assistants like Epstein through massages. I didn’t have an opinion about her before he told me but it’s not an uncommon sentiment in the acting world. She had a body double for a film they were both in.
She lost a bunch of weight before filming and became really opinionated about having somebody who accurately represented her idea of her body. She finally settled on somebody (this is usually the role of the casting crew based on your height and weight but she insisted she had final say).
The body double showed up on set and Rebel decided the woman had put on weight between casting and filming. She grabbed the poor woman’s hips and stomach on the set and yelled at the casting crew for bringing “a hippopotamus on set” to represent her. —My_hips_hurt
After watching Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, any celebrity involved with the Scientology church is pretty off-putting. —uncertainuglygirl
Dr Phil. Now i realize he just uses sick minded people for his own profit. He brought the creator of bum fights on the show and kicked him off after showing up dressed as Dr Phil. The guy said Dr Phil and him did the exact same thing, Phil just hid it better. After seeing that clip, I have no respect for Dr Phil. —Cohen4Maas
Mark Salling being a massive f-cking paedophile will never not upset me. I know pretty much the whole cast of Glee are problematic but he’s by far the biggest (and grossest) let down. It taints any rewatches. —cmrndzpm
R.Kelly. Growing up, I loved his music. I would walk down the halls of school singing "I'm a flirt." Now, I am ashamed that I was so into his music as a teen. —Aannwrootbeer
Ellen DeGeneres, she made Taylor Swift cry and practically bullied her on live TV, outted Mariah Carey’s pregnancy, need I go on? She treats her guests like trash —brooke0127
Haven't seen Jenny McCarthy yet (probably missed it), but man... —ParallelPeterParker
James Corden. I used to be a real big fan of him and his old Gavin and Stacy stuff and I even liked the lesbian vampire movie too even though a lot of people hated it.
And then the stories of how he treats people even his own family started to roll out and I'm like f-ck this guy —downtimeredditor
OJ. Many here are too young to realize just how beloved the Juice was before.....you know..... —lionbatcher
Kylie Jenner for not paying her factory workers at all. —arn_fx
Steve tyler, for convincing parents to sign a 14 year old over to him. After a few years of drugs, f-cking and an abortion… dumping her back on their doorstep at 17. Massive c-nt. —metal_jester
I just today found out about the 2009 Polanski petition and the 100 celebrities that signed it - so all of them. —JK11_
I scrolled pretty far and didn't see him. Danny Masterton, I seriously loved Hyde in that 70's show. Growing up I wanted to be like that also. He's a rapist piece of shit. Lost any and all respect I had for the guy. —Darkrain0629
Gwyneth Paltrow and her shitty Goop products that are bad for you. —JellyfishJill
Chris Brown... can't believe he's still out there making music like nothing happened. —ShadySkinnyBoy
I used to love Kevin Spacey, and well, we all know what happened there. —I_am_dean
Nicki Minaj — sticking by multiple pedos and rapists and intimidating/discrediting their victims is a real deal breaker —ajgsr
Joss Whedon. He was a hugely influential voice in my formative years. A man I looked up to when I had none in my real life. I even met him and he was everything I dreamed he would be.
To say I was devastated is an understatement. —Im_Not_Nobody
Matt Lauer. I used to watch f--king NBC every single morning before school for a decade, and then he does something so grossly specific as to have a button under his desk to lock people in is just…for real?! —Redqueenhypo
Charlie Sheen. The guy is a self centered asshole. Had an entire show around him and was thrown out after turning on everyone, than some other network just gave him a vehicle show where he barely showed any work ethic and when his co-star called him out on that, he had HER fired! Stop rewarding people for being assholes! —Lvcivs2311
Rachael Ray. I used to love her back in the late 2000s and watch her 30 Minute Meals program all the time on Food Network. I even bought some of her cookbooks. Then I found out she's a monster to fans in real life and she started shilling for corporate America and doing her lousy talk show. It broke my heart. Now I've lost all respect for her and don't bother watching anything she does anymore. —IndependenceMean8774
Chevy Chase. It came out that he's more like Ellen DeGeneres, where he's pretty toxic. Plus, there are a lot of anecdotal stories of him just being a dick. Still appreciate what he did for TV and film, but he definitely got knocked down a few pegs in my books.—wert989
Chrissy Teigen. She was an advocate for being kind to people online, and then we all found out she had been cyberbullying Courtney Stodden amongst others.—versacesnifferdog
Shia LaBeouf. I was one of the holdouts who argued he was misunderstood as an artist and a person. As soon as the FKA Twigs story came out — which alleged he was abusive and infected her with a sexually transmitted disease — I couldn’t continue to be a fan.—keiran9
"Travis Scott. He was allegedly a bystander to the deaths of a bunch of his own fans. I just can’t support someone that apathetic to the deaths of his own supporters."—deathray420
The post People Reveal What Celebrities They’ve Lost All Respect For And Why appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.
People Reveal What Celebrities They’ve Lost All Respect For And Why
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News
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