A TikTok video went viral after fans of beloved actor Brendan Fraser found it and held it up as another example of the man lighting up and being really sweet to fans after they told him how much they love him. This video comes from the Calgary Expo in Alberta, Canada, where Fraser was signing autographs and generally being super cute. Then fan Imani got to the front of the line and was thankfully recording the meeting of her childhood hero.

Fraser earned points right away by pronouncing her name correctly, then acted like it wasn't a big deal as he signed her Rick O’Connell Funko figurine box.

He then related to Imani on the subject of people getting their names wrong, with Imani correctly guessing that before he was famous, a lot of people pronounced is as "Brandon."

"I’ve had a lifetime of people mispronouncing my name. I know what it feels like," he said.

"Have you been 'Brandon' all your life?" Imani's friend asked.

Fraser rolled his eyes with a shake of his head to indicate that yes, that was exactly what he was talking about. But the best part was when Imani and her friend were about to move along, but then took the chance to thank him for being a part of their childhoods.

"Thank you for making my childhood awesome."

"And mine, too," said Imani. "You've been so nice."

That was when Fraser made that adorable shy smile he gets when fans praise him and offered them both a fist bump.


Fraser has been making a career comeback after spending over a decade out of the spotlight due to health issues in what fans have deemed a "Brenaissance." The actor captured the hearts of many young Millennials with his performance in the hit The Mummy franchise, as well as his performance in George of the Jungle and Dudley Do-Right.

His career was stalled, however, by a combination of issues that took a severe toll on his overall health. The demands of the actions films he was cast in, in which he performed his own stunts, led to physical issues that eventually required a partial knee replacement, vocal chord surgery, and the removal of part of his spine.

Around the same time, then-president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association Philip Berk sexually assaulted Fraser at a luncheon, which deeply disturbed him, and he went through a divorce and the death of his mother. These factors led to a period of depression that kept him out of the public eye for a long time.

Initially, when he began appearing in the news again, some people attacked him for putting on weight and no longer being the muscled Adonis he was in his 20s. However, his old fans as well as some new ones pushed back fiercely on the gross jokes and his story was spread widely, resulting in calls for Fraser to be cast in new roles and appreciated for who he is.


To his credit, through all that, Fraser has maintained an incredibly sweet nature that continues to touch fans around the world. Not long ago, another TikTok video went viral for showing a virtual meet-and-greet in which Fraser became emotional and tipped his cowboy hat at the fan when she told him that the internet is behind him. He later referenced this encounter during an interview at Fan Expo where he said that he could "feel the love" from his supporters.

In the comments of Imani's video, people are sending out all the more love in the hopes that Fraser will continue to feel it, because he's amazing.

"I hope he knows just how loved he is," wrote one commenter. "You met a legend," wrote another. "Very cool. Such a sincere, good man."

The post Viral Video: Brendan Fraser Lights Up As Fans Thank Him For Making Their Childhoods Awesome appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

Viral Video: Brendan Fraser Lights Up As Fans Thank Him For Making Their Childhoods Awesome
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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