They say "fame changes you" and how better to figure out if that's true than by perusing 20 pictures of the rich and famous from before they were rich OR famous.
The idea that these folks were just ordinary humans wandering the earth before they hit gold and made it big is a little comforting. They were just you or me, then stardom.
1. Lady Gaga
2. Christopher Waltz
3. Nirvana
4. The Rock
5. Tom Hanks
6. Susan Sarandon
7. Peter Dinklage
8. Jim Carrey
9. Joe Biden
10. Morgan Freeman
11. Keanu Reeves
12. Robin Williams
13. Sean Connery
14. Angelina Jolie
15. Eminiem
16. Bob Marley
17. Christian Bale
18. Jennifer Aniston
19. Tarantino
20. Clint Eastwood
The post 20 Pics Of Famous Celebrities Before They Became Huge Stars appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.
20 Pics Of Famous Celebrities Before They Became Huge Stars
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News
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