Despite their best efforts, TV and movie writers sometimes end up making choices that ruin the experience for fans. Maybe a popular character had to be killed off in order to move things along or maybe the twists and turns were just too predictable. Whatever the case, fans usually have a lot to say and they don’t hold back.

In a recent Reddit thread, users are discussing specific scenes that ruined their favorite movies and TV shows.

TV shows like Bones, Pretty Little Liars, and Roseanne all got called out. As for movies, films like Sex and the City and 12 Years a Slave also got people pretty riled up.

Here are 20 movies and TV shows that were ruined by a single scene, according to Redditors (and beware of spoilers).

1. Bones

Couldn't watch Bones after what happened to Sweets.


2.  American Gladiators

When Zap left American Gladiators in 1995.


3. Dallas

Well, obviously, Bobby's showering in Dallas, after having been dead for 13 weeks.


4. Pretty Little Liars

The finale of Pretty Little Liars, when the evil twin sister is revealed. Ruined the whole show for me.


5. 12 Years a Slave

I really hated that in the movie for 12 Years a Slave they had him hook up with a woman while he was a slave. In his book (it's a true story that he wrote himself after getting out) he says he stayed faithful to his wife the whole time. I don't care if someone thought the audience wouldn't believe that, it's wrong for them to insert something like that when he clearly stated he didn't.


6. The Mentalist

Honestly the Red John reveal in The Mentalist kinda pissed me just felt like they had a hat with every minor character name in it and just picked one.


7. Roseanne

The final 5 minutes of the original Roseanne.

"Dan died, the sisters swapped husband's, mom's gay, Jackie's gay, this was all a book."


8. Weeds

I am surprised Weeds hasn’t been mentioned more. That show started out so strong and then just devolved into Nancy f--king everyone for no good reason.


9. Gravity

George Clooney cut himself loose from a space station in order to save Sandra Bullock.

His velocity was zero relative to the station. He wouldn't have "fell" and he wasn't "pulling her down."


10. Game of Thrones

Jaime Lannister going back to Cersei. 8 seasons of character development, out the window in 5 minutes. Still hurts to think about.


11. Gilmore Girls Revival

When Rory ended up pregnant (not to mention completely washed up) in the Gilmore Girls Revival.


12. How I Met Your Mother

Barney and Robin getting divorced like 5 minutes after they got married.


13. Veronica Mars

The last 5/10 minutes of Veronica Mars.


14. Law Abiding Citizen

[The end] was some straight up nonsensical b-llsh-t. Clyde was supposed to be this super-genius CIA fixer who spent his entire career devising elaborate methods of assassinating high value targets without ever setting foot in the same room. It was just preposterous that Nick would manage to outsmart him. The scene where they meet Clyde's former CIA contact he explains that within the movie's universe Clyde is essentially overpowered as f--k and unstoppable so the ending defies the movie's own established logic. That ending still pisses me off 12 years later.


15. Grey's Anatomy

Hospital dramas are a perfect example of what you want the hospital you go to to NOT be like. Like, for example, Grey’s Anatomy. There’s a part where they nearly perform an organ transplant on the wrong patient because one of the newbies screwed up. In any competent hospital that wouldn’t even happen. I don’t want my doctors sneaking off to f--k in the broom closet, I want them making sure I’m not dying.


16. Sex and the City

The ending of Sex and the City. Sorry kids, but in real life Big wouldn’t have chased Carrie to Paris and things magically work out for them.

I would have been much happier with Carrie riding off into the sunset as a happy single gal whose not ready to settle for a guy who jerked her around for years.

And I’m a happily ever after movie/tv show kinda person. But it just didn’t fit the narrative of SATC for me.


17. The Walking Dead



18. Dexter

Dexter took a turn after the season with the Trinity killer. Probably my least favorite scene in Dexter was Deb shooting Laguerta.


19. Gossip Girl

[Dan being Gossip Girl.] The worst part about it is when you remember in one of the FIRST episodes, Gossip Girl reveals that Chuck is attempting to rape Jenny on the roof and GG just reports on it and doesn’t stop it??? Like what kind of brother would just be like “ooh gotta add this to my blog!” while their little sister is getting sexually harassed.


20. Doctor Who

Thats gotta be the scene from season 12 from Doctor Who, where they explain that the doctor is not from this universe and that the people who found her stole the secret to practical immortality from her. This single scene rewrote everything we know about the doctor and destroyed the legacy of one of the longest running tv-shows. Rip William Hartnell, you will always be the 1st doctor in my heart.


The post People Are Sharing The Awful Scenes That Ruined Good TV Shows And Movies appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

People Are Sharing The Awful Scenes That Ruined Good TV Shows And Movies
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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