The world was rocked by yet another beloved celebrity's passing on Sunday after Full House actor Bob Saget was found dead in a hotel room at age 65 in Orlando, Florida. This followed the death of actress and animal lover Betty White, who died at age 99 on December 31, 17 days before her 100th birthday. Saget's death was much more of a shock due to his relatively young age, but police say that no foul play, drugs, or alcohol were involved in his sudden passing, though a cause of death has not been released by the family.

On the day of White's Death, Saget posted a tribute to the actress on Instagram, talking about sneaking into The Mary Tyler Moore Show at age 15 to watch her "hit everything she said out of the park" and about the time he invited her to join the "Mile High Club" when they were on a flight together.

"We were on an ABC jet once for a junket and I was sitting across from her, both of us sipping Bloody Mary’s," said Saget. "We had been laughing for hours— I looked into her eyes and faux romantically said, 'How ‘bout it, Betty, you and me in the bathroom? Mile High Club?'"

According to Saget, the legendary comedian didn't miss a beat.

"She answered me before I had a chance to finish the invite— “Of course, Bob, you go in there first and I’ll meet you as soon as I finish my drink.” And then of course she went right to sipping from her straw. I waited in that bathroom for over two hours. (That would be the joke on a joke part, in case you take things literally.)"

The more touching part of his message (figuratively), and what is resonating with fans after his death on Sunday, is the section about the afterlife and how White often spoke about her desire to be reunited with her late husband, Allen Ludden, after she died.

"She always said the love of her life was her husband, Allen Ludden, who she lost in 1981. Well, if things work out by Betty’s design— in the afterlife, they are reunited. I don’t know what happens when we die, but if Betty says you get to be with the love of your life, then I happily defer to Betty on this."

Saget was on a stand-up comedy tour when he died and had just spoken about how the return to his comedy roots, after becoming a household name for his role in Full House and for hosting America's Funniest Home Videos for eight years, was reviving his love for the medium.

"I’m back in comedy like I was when I was 26," he wrote alongside an Instagram selfie. "I guess I’m finding my new voice and loving every moment of it."

Just before his final show on Saturday, Saget's oldest daughter from his first marriage to Sherri Kramer, Aubrey Saget, reports that he sent her one last text telling her he loved her, which she shared on her own Instagram page.

"Thank u. Love u. Showtime!"

We all hope he's hanging out with Betty White right now.

The post Bob Saget’s Tribute About The Afterlife To Betty White Goes Viral After His Death appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

Bob Saget’s Tribute About The Afterlife To Betty White Goes Viral After His Death
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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