A certain gamer dude accidentally told on himself with a Twitter post claiming that the main character from an upcoming sequel to the popular video game Horizon Zero Dawn has a "beard," apparently unaware that nearly all women have small hairs on their face known often called "peach fuzz."

Such small details have long been left out of video games and other animated content, but technological advances have made video game graphics realistic to the point that men who have never been close to a woman before are getting confused.

The original post, translated from Spanish, asked another Twitter user posting about the game "can you explain to me why the hell Aloy has a beard?"

Perhaps decades of airbrushing images of women and generally pretending we have hair nowhere on our bodies besides the top of our head and eyebrows is to blame for a generation of guys unaware of the realities of peach fuzz. For many years, the idea of women having hair anywhere else has been treated as though it's shocking or ugly, when it is in fact normal and beautiful.


The main character of Horizon Zero Dawn, "Aloy," has found herself under attack before by gamer dudes who think she doesn't look feminine enough or because the hard-working animators dare include human imperfections on a woman raised in a world where sunscreen hasn't been invented yet. Aside from peach fuzz, Aloy sports freckles, red spots, and even the slightest appearance of lines -- just like normal human skin -- in the upcoming sequel Horizon Forbidden West.


"Each generation of consoles brings extra power that lets us add even denser polygons to our character models, so we can create finer details such as peach fuzz, smooth contouring, or finer texture details and accurate materials expression, to name a few," said Guerilla Games Narrative Director Ben McCaw in a 2021 interview.

Fans may remember a joke post in which someone took Aloy and altered her to meet the beauty standards demanded by many sexist gamer bros. The original post was meant to be a mockery of these kinds of gamers, but many of them unfortunately took it seriously and unironically held up the altered version as beautiful rather than something that looks like a customer service android about to snap.


Just months after everyone finally got tired of dunking on the dudes who really thought the image on the right was the better one, people on Twitter are now widely mocking men who didn't know about peach fuzz and lamenting the state of the world that such men exist.











The post Gamer Tells On Himself After Questioning Why Female Video Game Character Has A ‘Beard’ appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

Gamer Tells On Himself After Questioning Why Female Video Game Character Has A ‘Beard’
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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