Scott Eastwood, son of Clint Eastwood, starred in the 2016 movie “Suicide Squad” as Lieutenant GQ Edwards. In the original Squad movie, Edwards was an officer of the United States Armed Forces and a Navy SEAL who fought alongside Rick Flag, played by Joel Kinnaman, in the first Task Force X mission in Midway City.
In a recent interview with Insider, Eastwood revealed that he was almost in the Suicide Squad sequel with an offer for a three-picture deal from Warner Bros., but decided against returning to his role after he talked to his father.
"They didn't want to pay me any money for those next movies and ... they didn't have another script for the other movie, so I didn't know what I was going to be signing myself up for."
He wanted an opinion about the deal that he could trust, and so Eastwood called up his father.
"I said, 'They don't want to pay me,'" Eastwood recalled of the conversation. "He said, 'If it feels like they really need you and if it's a good part, then do it. If not, then don't.'
"I didn't have the answer to those questions at that time. I wasn't going to have the answers, and they were pressuring me. So ultimately it didn't happen.”
Eastwood also had issues with editing of the film, which had left many of his scenes out of the final version.
The actor had worked with “Suicide Squad” director David Ayer for the 2014 film “Fury” so when Ayer came to him with the proposal for “Suicide Squad” he was eager to accept.
"He basically was like, 'Come on this journey with me. I'm going to make you look like a badass. I'm going to make your character pop. I didn't even know what the character was at the time."
In the end, the version of the movie shown to audiences focused more on stars Will Smith, Margot Robbie, and Jared Leto, and Eastwood’s Edwards fell to the wayside in the editing room.
"I have talked to David, and I know my character got a lot more love in the Ayer cut," Eastwood said of the film, referring to the #AyerCut of the movie for which critics and fans have clamored for years. It is unlikely, however, that Warner Bros. will ever release the Ayer cut of the film.
It may be for the best that Scott Eastwood turned down returning to the franchise, as the majority of characters who appeared in Ayer’s film were killed off in the 2021 sequel.
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Scott Eastwood Turned Down ‘Suicide Squad’ Sequel On Advice From Dad Clint Eastwood
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News
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