Love it or hate it, the internet gives everyone a platform to share their thoughts and opinions. When people share what they're thinking, it can lead to meaningful discussions or heated debates that circle the drain. And this Reddit thread is a perfect example of that.

In a recent viral thread, things for super controversial when people began sharing things "dumb people love but smart people hate."

The responses included everything from religion to The Big Bang Theory—the series and the concept. Needless, to say, we're not agreeing nor disagreeing with these responses but simply presenting them as we see them.

Here are 20 things "dumb people love but smart people hate," according to the folks on Reddit.

1. Conservatism

Generally speaking, smart people aren’t going to fall for “illegals are dangerous criminals who are undermining our economy and anyone that contradicts these bigoted lies is fake news” or “we’re in the middle of a deadly pandemic but vaccines are oppression” or “it’s just a coincidence that George Floyd happened to die from drugs just as the officer was cutting off his oxygen supply.”


2. Religion

Religious faith is the antithesis of empirical thought. It’s quite literally the rejection of logical reasoning. Everyone gets super butthurt if you point that out, though.


3. Donald f--king Trump

I love seeing donald f--king a person which is trump.


4. Big Bang Theory (TV series)

Oops, just saw someone else already said this. But it's bad enough it deserves to be said multiple times.


5. Mainstream media sources

Right wing “news” television broadcasters, thinly veiled fascist newspapers (our just outright fascist), echo chamber news sites/platforms/social media outlets/groups etc etc etc. basically anything that controls how they think to support the establishment and not disturb the status quo. All consumed with no ability to critically think or analyse and reinforcing or creating small-mindedness.


6. Also, Big Bang Theory

The concept, not the show. The show is great and really smart.


7. Elon Musk

Definitely a dumb person's idea of a genius.


8. Crypto

Bitcoin or any type of crypto NFT instrument as an investment. These are a scam chasing dumb money and preying on financial FOMO.


9. Wrestling

WWE and all its variations.


10. Facebook math

Take your age and add 1. Then subtract 1 AND YOU GET YOUR AGE AGAIN! ITS MAGIC!


11. Short-sighted solutions

“We’ll deal with that when we get there” …. But if we just..we won’t have to…


12. Brute force

Brute force and ignorance can fix any problem. Other problems may arise from the application of brute force and ignorance, but one way or another, the original problem is gone.


13. Chain messages

“Send this message to 10 people to wake up with $$$ in your account tomorrow!” Or “forward this to 10 people or you’re going to hell”


14. Nancy Grace

[AKA] Nancy Disgrace.


15. Dr. Phil

F--k that guy, can’t believe I used to watch him religiously. Especially the troubled teen videos. Used to mock those guys but truthfully they just needed actual help not this bozo.


16. Oprah

Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, John of God; Oprah has pipelined some of the most horrible monsters of medicine the modern world has ever seen.


17. The Dunning Kruger effect

It’s been having a real moment for a decade or so.


18. Anything different

Dumbest people I know think anyone different is wrong. Other cultures are bad. There is only one way to skin a cat. And lack reasoning skills.


19. "Thinking everyone's opinion has equal value."

No, your opinion on something you are not an expert in is not a good as an actual expert. Hell, ten experts' opinion is better than millions of unexpert opinions.

And, I like the "smart/dumb" phrasing in the question. There are intellegent, very educated people who are really f--king dumb.


20. Book smarts vs. Street smarts

The idea that "book-learning" is inferior to "street smarts".

Never mind the fact that book-learning created the technological world we all live in today: the other flaw in this reasoning is that dumb people always assume they must have the latter, since they don't have the former. News flash: it's possible to be both book-dumb and street-dumb. Exhibit A: people who fall for the Nigerian money scam.


The post 20 Things Dumb People Love But Smart People Hate appeared first on The Mother of All Nerds.

20 Things Dumb People Love But Smart People Hate
Source: Pinoy Inquirer News

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